《單曲》徐子未 - 模仿

學著討好 默默守望
每一幀定格 都藏著悲傷……

Lyrics 歌詞:

作詞/ 姚若龍 作曲/ 陳小霞
編曲/ 山下和彰 製作/ 徳田善久

羡慕他讓妳 雀躍像小鳥
Envy him for making you jumping excited which just like a bird
一句話就能 換一朵微笑
Exchange a smile with a word
妳在戀人前 才展露的樣貌
The appearance you show in front of your lover
讓我懂自己 單純是配角
Let me realise that I’m only a supporting role

痛恨他讓妳 變蕭瑟離島
Hating him for making you as desolate islands
分不清風帆 不來或遲到
Unable to differentiate if the sail is not coming or being late
為妳再擔心 也拖不了妳逃
Worrying about you but can’t drag you escape
太癡狂的人 最抗拒警告
Craziest people are most resistant to warning

#想模仿月光 裹在妳肩上
 I wish could imitate the moonlight and wrapped it around your shoulder
 喚醒妳惡夢 佐以暖心調養
 Wake up your nightmares and take care of it with a warm heart
 卻模仿成路燈 默默地守望
 But imitated as a street lamp and watched silently
 The unexpected comfort is just like nonsense

*想模仿曙光 指一個方向
 I wish could imitate the dawn and point into a direction
 讓妳看前方 哪裡明媚晴朗
 Let you look towards where it’s bright and sunny
 卻模仿成影子 跟在了身後
 But imitated as a shadow and followed behind
 I could only pick up your tears but can't lead the way

What makes you run blindfolded
What makes me yell over the cliff
沒有翅膀 還縱身一跳
I will still jumped without wings
不是花火 還縱情燃燒
It burn indulgently even it’s not fireworks

Repeat #,*