Phoenix Live in TAIWAN 2014
Fold it, fold it, fold it, fold it!
睽違四年,法國另類搖滾樂團 Phoenix 去年發行最新專輯《Bankrupt!》並展開世界巡迴演唱會,於 8/12 首度來台開唱,超羨慕可以看現場的歌迷。他們 2009 年推出的第四張專輯《Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix》榮獲第 52 屆葛萊美獎「最佳另類音樂專輯」,送上其中的單曲「1901」,此首在當年曾拿下 Billboard 另類榜第一名,之後常被許多廣告、電影和影集選用,較廣為人知的是後來英國新生代創作才女 Birdy 所翻唱的版本。主唱 Thomas Mars 說「1901」是描敘對二十世紀巴黎的幻想,復古電子流行線條帶來歡愉氣氛,刺激全身細胞跳動,一起體驗 Phoenix 的迷人魅力!
PS. 鼓手超嗨 XD
Lyrics 歌詞:(by 好青年整理)
Counting all different ideas drifting away
Past and present they don't matter
Now the future's sorted out
Watch her moving in elliptical patterns
Think it's not what you say
What you say is way too complicated
For a minute thought I couldn't tell how to fall out
It's twenty seconds 'til the last call
Going hey hey hey hey hey hey
Lie down you know it's easy
Like we did it over summer long
And I'll be anything you ask and more
Going hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
It's not a miracle we needed
And no I wouldn't let you think so
Fold it, fold it, fold it, fold it
Fold it, fold it, fold it, fold it
Girlfriend, oh your girlfriend is drifting away
Past and present 1855-1901
Watch them built up a material tower
Think it's not gonna stay anyway
I think it's overrated
For a minute thought I couldn't tell how to fall out
It's twenty seconds 'til the last call
Going hey hey hey hey hey hey
Lie down you know it's easy
Like we did it over summer long
And I'll be anything you ask and more
Going hey hey hey hey hey hey hey
It's not a miracle we needed
And no I wouldn't let you think so
Fold it, fold it, fold it, fold it
Fold it, fold it, fold it, fold it
Fold it, fold it, fold it, fold it
Fold it, fold it, fold it, fold it