《迷你專輯》David Bowie / No Plan EP
Here is my place without a plan.
生日快樂,1/8 是 David Bowie 的 70 歲冥誕,英國廣播公司 BBC 特別製作紀錄片《David Bowie: The Last Five Years》回顧大衛鮑伊生前最後五年的生活。唱片公司也選在同一天發行 EP《No Plan》,收錄鮑伊第 25 張專輯《★ Blackstar》中的「Lazarus」以及他所參與製作外百老匯音樂劇《Lazarus》的「No Plan」、「Killing a Little Time」和「When I Met You」三首創作曲目,紀念永遠的搖滾變色龍!
Directed by Tom Hingston
Lyrics 歌詞:(by 好青年 整理)
Written by David Bowie
Here, there's no music here
I'm lost in streams of sound
Here, am I nowhere now?
No plan
Wherever I may go
Just where, just there
I am
All of the things that are my life
My desires, my beliefs, my moods
Here is my place without a plan
Here, Second Avenue
Just out of view
Here, is no traffic here?
No plan
All the things that are my life
My moods, my beliefs, my desires
Me alone, nothing to regret
This is no place, but here I am
This is not quite yet