《單曲》Radiohead - Spectre

Spectre has come for me

英國搖滾樂團 Radiohead 電台司令,自 2011 年後就鮮少有新作,在今年聖誕節驚喜送上當初爲 007 系列電影最新續集《Spectre 惡魔四伏》所寫的同名主題曲,雖然很傑出但最終並未被採用,取而代之的則是 Sam Smith 的「Writing's on the Wall」。其實可以選做為片尾曲,想必更有渲染力,實屬可惜。他們的第九張專輯在去年就已經開始錄製,明年預計將舉辦世界巡迴演唱會,希望專輯也會同步發行,令人期待!

"Last year we were asked to write a theme tune for the Bond movie Spectre.
Yes we were. It didn't work out, but became something of our own, which we love very much.
As the year closes we thought you might like to hear it.
Merry Christmas. May the force be with you." - from Radiohead

Lyrics 歌詞:(by 好青年 整理)

Written by Radiohead and Nigel Godrich

I'm lost, I'm a ghost
Dispossessed, taken host
My hunger burns a bullet hole
A spectre of my mortal soul
These rumors and suspicion
Anger is a poison
The only truth that I could see
Is when you put your lips to me
Futures tricked by the past
Spectre, how he laughs

Fear puts a spell on us
Always second-guessing love
My hunger burns a bullet hole
A spectre of my mortal soul
The only truth that I could see
Spectre has come for me