《單曲》Lucia - Straight Jacket Smile

My patience is the afterbirth of solitude.

  來自加州聖地牙哥的獨立樂團 Lucia,於今年 7/10 發行出道單曲「Straight Jacket Smile」,釋放搖滾能量。面對現實的考驗,不斷摸索與試探,孤獨而堅毅、向內心吶喊。嘗試失敗、打破窠臼,才能成就偉大的志業!

Directed by Christian Gonzalez

Lyrics 歌詞:(by 好青年 整理)

My patience is the afterbirth of solitude

A winter's smile can feel with hand
Sunshine, excuse the cracks in our society
May we publish a greater threat to our profane
Like the greater cause, we gather from our disdain

The path of money is beaten
Corrupt to a broken standstill
But must we fall...

The walls paint different colors to you
The laugh of your daughter speaks of resign
The automatic takes over, childless mother
Your reruns and pills hint a framed works design

Test my speech with no hesitation
Your syllables hang in the air like a question
Your words fumble with exact inquisition

Believe in my heart and you have my full attention
But must we fall into a desired composition?

The walls paint different colors to you
The laugh of your daughter speaks of resign
The automatic takes over, childless mother
Your reruns and pills hint a framed works design

My patience is the afterbirth of solitude
The walls paint different colors to you