《單曲》Mew - Satellites
My life is my own
And now I'm always home
And now I'm always home
還記得當初聽到 2003 年專輯《Frengers》的驚艷,至今仍在心中盪漾。睽違近六年,成軍超過 20 年的丹麥另類搖滾樂團 Mew 將於今年 4/27 推出第六張專輯《+ -》,收錄 10 首動聽歌曲,由曾經合作過的製作人 Michael Beinhorn 操刀,除了特別邀請英倫獨立搖滾樂團 Bloc Party 吉他手 Russell Lissack 共同創作單曲「My Complications」,更是迎接創團貝斯手 Johan Wohlert 回歸,再次以四人組合帶來更多令人驚喜的作品。絕對值得等待,首波夢幻主打「Satellites」,讓人找回當初愛上 Mew 的那份感覺,透過主唱 Jonas Bjerre 細膩又迷人的嗓音唱出生命是如此盛大與美好,皆是由自己去創造、綻放繽紛色彩,就像他們的音樂一樣總是能帶給人無與倫比的力量。目前已展開全球巡迴,且將在 3/28 於 T-Fest 明日音樂祭表演,台灣歌迷可別錯過一睹 Mew 獨特風采的機會!
Lyrics 歌詞:(by 好青年 整理)
Swimming fast
Holding on the buzz in ways
You could not
I like you real silver lining
Oh, seething fast
Take off at last, and we get better
I wanna breathe in the sunlight beam
I wanna be with a girl like she
I'm swimming fast (swimming fast enough)
Holding on the buzz in ways
You could not
Know my own electricity
You did this to me
I want someone to carry me
Oh, ill-advised, her desire to repair
And I'd rather be a satellite
And I'm picking up the phone
And I'd rather be a satellite
And I'm picking up the phone
Remember when it was then, we sealed
To unlock never again
The way we might on movie night
(Suspend disbelief)
This is much better
(I can see you try)
None of these remedies I feel
Could make things matter that much
It's only right, on movie night
(It's all in summer)
And I'd rather be a satellite
And I'm picking up the phone
(And the sun will shine)
(Stay up)
And I'd rather be a satellite
And I'm picking up the phone
Picking up the phone
My life is my own
And now I'm always home
My life is my own
And now I'm always home