《單曲》Pink Floyd - Mother

Mother should I trust the government?
Mother, did it need to be so high?

母親節快樂,送上1979 年英倫傳奇搖滾天團 Pink Floyd 第 11 張專輯《The Wall》中由 Roger Waters 撰寫的歌曲「Mother」,歌詞描述過度保護孩子的母親,為其築起一道保護牆,免於接觸外面的世界,即便已經長大成人,仍堅持不願放手。過度只會造成恐懼及陰影,甚至開始變得叛逆反抗,或許在大人眼裡仍是小孩,但學會獨立、吃一點苦、體驗生活、認清事實,也是成長的必經過程。

Live at Earls Court 1980

Lyrics 歌詞:(by 好青年 整理)

Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother do you think they'll like the song?
Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Ooooh aah, Mother should I build a wall?
Mother should I run for president?
Mother should I trust the government?
Mother will they put me in the firing line?
Ooooh aah, is it just a waste of time
Hush now baby, baby don't you cry
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama's gonna keep baby cosy and warm
Ooooh babe, Ooooh babe, Ooooh babe
Of course Mama's gonna help build the wall

Mother do think she's good enough for me?
Mother do think she's dangerous to me?
Mother will she tear your little boy apart?
Oooh aah, mother will she break my heart?
Hush now baby, baby don't you cry
Mama's gonna check out all your girl friends for you
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through
Mama's gonna wait up till you get in
Mama will always find out where you've been
Mamma's gonna keep baby healthy and clean
Ooooh babe, Ooooh babe, Ooooh babe
You'll always be a baby to me
Mother, did it need to be so high?