《專輯》The Knife / Shaking the Habitual

    * 演唱團體:The Knife
    * 專輯名稱:Shaking the Habitual
    * 唱片公司:Rabid
    * 音樂類型:西洋音樂
    * 發行日期:國外2013年04月05日
    * 進口專輯 / CD / 1 片裝


The Knife talk about their new album 'Shaking The Habitual'

睽違七年,瑞典電子雙人組 The Knife 於今年 4/5 推出第四張專輯《Shaking the Habitual》,名稱取自法國哲學家傅柯 Michel Foucault 名言,論述知識與權力的觀點。成員 Karin Dreijer AnderssonOlof Dreijer 姊弟兩人包辦整張專輯詞曲創作與製作,共收錄 13 首歌曲,有兩首不到一分鐘、六首超過八分鐘,長度極端,單曲「Old Dreams Waiting to Be Realized」更長達 19 分鐘,實驗性十足。專輯概念啟發自女性主義及帶有社會和文化批判色彩的酷兒理論,並進而探討環境、權力與政治等之間的關係,與音樂結合傳達強烈意識。或許有點抽象,需要時間好好消化去體會。

'Full Of Fire' a short film by Marit Östberg*.

*Marit Östberg is a filmmaker and visual artist, based in Stockholm and Berlin. Her works are often focused on images of queer bodies and sexualities. She sees her work in a wider context of feminist fights and histories and her visual world has been described as uncompromising. Uncompromisingly current. Uncompromisingly sexy. Uncompromisingly political.

"The film 'Full of Fire' started to grow as an embryo in the song´s lines 'Who looks after my story'. Who takes care of our stories when the big history, written by straight rich white men, erase the complexity of human´s lives, desires and conditions? The film 'Full of Fire' consists of a network of fates, fears, cravings, longings, losses, and promises. Fates that at first sight seem isolated from each other, but if we pay attention, we can see that everything essentially moves into each other. Our lives are intertwined and our eyes on each other, our sounds and smells, mean something. Our actions create reality, we create each other. We are never faceless, not even in the most grey anonymous streets of the city. We will never stop being responsible, being extensions, of one another. We will never stop longing for each other, and for something else."
- Marit Östberg

'A Tooth For An Eye' deconstructs images of maleness, power and leadership. Who are the people we trust as our leaders and why? What do we have to learn from those we consider inferior? In a sport setting where one would traditionally consider a group of men as powerful and in charge, an unexpected leader emerges. A child enters and allows the men to let go of their hierarchies, machismo and fear of intimacy, as they follow her into a dance. Their lack of expertise and vulnerability shines through as they perform the choreography. Amateurs and skilled dancers alike express joy and a sense of freedom; There is no prestige in their performance. The child is powerful, tough and sweet all at once, roaring "I'm telling you stories, trust me". There is no shame in her girliness, rather she possesses knowledge that the men lost a long time ago.


01 "A Tooth for an Eye" 6:04
02 "Full of Fire" 9:17
03 "A Cherry on Top" 8:43
04 "Without You My Life Would Be Boring" 5:14
05 "Wrap Your Arms Around Me" 4:36
06 "Crake" 0:55
07 "Old Dreams Waiting to Be Realized" 19:02

01 "Raging Lung" 9:58
02 "Networking" 6:42
03 "Oryx" 0:37
04 "Stay Out Here" 10:42
05 "Fracking Fluid Injection" 9:54
06 "Ready to Lose" 4:36


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