【英文】fun, funny 和 interesting 的差別
fun, funny 和 interesting 都可以當形容詞用,但有什麼差別呢?
fun (非正式用法可以當adj.),指有趣的或愉快的,某事物令人覺得很好玩或享受的意思。
It was a fun evening.
[補充1] 通常 fun 是當名詞(n.)用,可指娛樂、樂趣[1]或幽默[2],也可指有趣的事物或人[3]。
[1] The children were having fun in the play area.
[2] She's full of fun.
[3] The column's just a bit of fun.
[補充2] fun 口語時也可以當動詞(v.)用,三態變化 funs, funning, funned,指開玩笑或說笑,用法分及物[1]和不及物[2]動詞兩種。
[1] They are just funning you.
[2] I was only funning.
funny (adj.) 可解釋成有趣的,但是帶有點滑稽可笑[1],另外也有古怪的、難以解釋的意思[2]。特別注意在口語時可以用來強調某事物令人不愉快或是不對的,存在著認真嚴肅的意味,表示不是在開玩笑[3]。
[1] The play is hilariously funny.
[2] I had a funny feeling you'd be around.
[3] Stealing other people’s work isn't funny.
[補充3] 非正式用法可以當名詞(n.),以複數(pl.)表示,代表笑話或報章雜誌上的連環漫畫[4]。
I read the sports page, funnies, and editorial.
interesting (adj.) 是指某人事物引發出好奇或興趣,也有令人關注的意思。
It will be very interesting to see what they come up with.
It is an interesting book for children.
We had a long and interesting talk.
[補充4] 說到 interesting,就要順便介紹 interested (adj.),這是指人感到有興趣或關心的意思[1],相關片語有 be + interested + in ...。但也可以解釋成有利害關係的[2]、有私心的[3]。
[1] I had always been interested in history.
[2] He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury.
[3] An interested person can not make a fair decision.