Ctrl+Alt+Del 蓋茲:設計錯誤

Bill Gates has described the decision to use Ctrl+Alt+Del as the command needed to log on to a PC as a mistake.

比爾蓋茲說用 Ctrl+Alt+Del 來登入電腦的設計是個錯誤。

from BBC (by 好青年 中譯)

Originally designed to trigger a reboot of a PC, it survives in the Windows 8 operating system as the command to access the task manager toolbar and is still used in older versions to log on.

Ctrl+Alt+Del 最初是設計來重新啟動電腦,且在 Windows 8 作業系統上依然被用來呼叫工作管理員,而在舊版本上仍被運用在登入電腦。

In an interview, the Microsoft co-founder blamed IBM for the shortcut, saying he had favoured a single button.

在一段訪問中,微軟共同創辦人比爾蓋茲批評 Ctrl+Alt+Del 這個快速鍵設計,他偏好於使用單一按鍵。

The keyboard shortcut was invented by IBM engineer David Bradley.

此鍵盤快速鍵設計是由一名叫 David Bradley 的 IBM 工程師設計的。

Originally he had favoured Ctrl+Alt+Esc, but he found it was too easy to bump the left side of the keyboard and reboot the computer accidentally so switched to Ctrl+Alt+Del because it was impossible to press with just one hand.

他最初欲使用 Ctrl+Alt+Esc,但後來發現三個鍵都集中在鍵盤左側,很容易讓人不小心就重新啟動電腦,所以才換成 Ctrl+Alt+Del,如此以來必須雙手並用。

During IBM's 20th anniversary celebrations, he said that while he may have invented it, Bill Gates made it famous.

在 IBM 二十週年慶時,他說雖然此設計是由他所發明,但卻是比爾蓋茲將它發揚光大。

His involvement in the invention has made him something of a programming hero though- with fans asking him to autograph keyboards at conferences.


Finger strike

The shortcut, also known as the three-finger salute - came to prominence in the early 1990s as a quick fix for the infamous "blue screen of death" on PCs.


But speaking at a fundraising campaign at Harvard University, Mr Gates said he thought that it had been a mistake.


"We could have had a single button, but the guy who did the IBM keyboard design didn't want to give us our single button."

比爾蓋茲:「我們可以只用一個按鍵就好,但那位設計 IBM 鍵盤的仁兄不想讓我們使用單一按鍵。」

While some loathe the clunky command, others took to news site Reddit to express their fondness for it.

雖然有些人嫌這個設計畫蛇添足,卻也有人在新聞網站 Reddit 上表示支持。

"I feel a single button would be a mistake," said one.



如何啟用或停用登入 Windows XP、Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 的 CTRL+ALT+DELETE 按鍵組合? from Microsoft 技術支援

針對 Windows Vista 與 Windows 7,請依照下列步驟執行:
  1. 按一下 [開始],在 [搜尋] 方塊中輸入 Control Userpasswords2,然後按下 ENTER 鍵。
    注意 當系統出現提示您輸入電腦系統管理員的使用者名稱與密碼的對話方塊時,您需要輸入使用者名稱與密碼。
  2. 按一下 [進階] 索引標籤。
  3. 如果您要停用 CTRL+ALT+DELETE 按鍵組合,請在 [安全登入] 區域中,按一下以清除 [要求使用者按下 Ctrl+Alt+Delete] 核取方塊。
注意 如果 [進階] 索引標籤無法使用,請按一下 [開始],按一下 [執行],輸入 control userpasswords2,然後按一下 [確定]。 

[進階] 索引標籤在某些情況下無法使用。例如,如果您是受限的使用者,便無法使用 [進階] 索引標籤。 如需詳細資訊,請按一下下面的文件編號,檢視「Microsoft 知識庫」中的文件:306992 如何在 Windows XP 中管理網域電腦的已存放使用者名稱及密碼
