《單曲推薦》David Bowie - Valentine's Day

It's happening today! Valentine! Valentine!

  現年 66 歲,有「搖滾變色龍」之稱的英國華麗搖滾一代宗師 David Bowie 於今年三月推出睽違十年的最新專輯《The Next Day 明日》重回樂壇,和長期合作搭檔 Tony Visconti 再度攜手,以獨特聲線及有深度的作品,透過音樂對世界訴說個人理念與想法,話題性十足。

  送上專輯中的第四波單曲「Valentine's Day」,歌名雖然叫做「情人節」,但所傳達的訊息卻不是愛情,而是從校園槍擊事件引申出美國的槍枝氾濫問題;想強調的不是擁有槍枝的這個事實,而是槍枝擁有者的心理健康問題,教育意義深遠。音樂錄影帶由著名攝影師雙人組 Markus Klinko & Indrani 執導,一樣很有微妙意義,短獵槍外型般的吉他以及一閃而過的子彈等畫面,已經是不言而喻了。

Lyrics 歌詞:(by 好青年 整理)

Written by David Bowie

Valentine told me who's to go
Feelings he's treasured most of all
The teachers and the football star
It's in his tiny face
It's in his scrawny hand
Valentine told him so
He's got something to say
It's Valentine's Day

The rhythm of the crowd
Teddy and Judy down
Valentine sees it all
He's got something to say
It's Valentine's Day

Valentine told me how he feels
If all the world were under his heels
Or stumbling through the mall
It's in his tiny face
It's in his scrawny hand
Valentine knows it all
He's got something to say
It's Valentine's Day

Valentine Valentine
(Yeah) (Woo) (Woo)
Valentine Valentine

It's in his scrawny hand
It's in his icy heart
It's happening today
Valentine Valentine
It's in his scrawny hands
It's in his icy heart
It's happening today
Valentine Valentine